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- The mmu.library project © 1998 the mmu.library development group, THOR
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Release 0.05
- ------------
- -Fixed a bug in the context management, memory property setup
- routine. Due to a typo, one register was assigned in the wrong
- way and messed up the routine. Just the joy of assembly! Sigh.
- "NUTS" seems to work flawlessy, though.
- Thanks to all the testers, locating and fixing this bug was
- just a matter of ten minutes.
- Release 0.04
- ------------
- Bugs fixed:
- -Rewrote the MMU table parser completely. The old one was simply too
- broken to fix it. The "New Universal Table Scanner" - or short
- "NUTS" (-; contains very little hardware dependent code, so I was
- able to check most of it without having a '040 or '060 MMU available.
- Should hopefully work now. It took one day to debug all that, all
- the special cases... It's really a recursive monster algorithm,
- hope the comments are somewhat useable.
- -Added a check for the EC040. Thanks for the insight, Simon! At
- that time, no check for a EC030 vs. a real 030 is available. The
- motorola specs say I've to build a MMU page and check what happens...
- Something like this might be implemented in a future version, as
- soon as the table scanner and the table builder are working.
- -Added an explicit version check for MMUScan.
- -Added a memory flush in MMScan. "Avail Flush" is no longer
- required.
- -Added the "TestMMU" program for debugging purposes. More on that
- below.
- Release 0.02
- ------------
- Bugs fixed:
- -Due to a typo in the 68040/68060 startup code, the translation
- control register wasn't written to the right place, leading mis-
- interpretations of the library.
- -The 68040 specific part did not call the 68040 table scanner, but
- the 68060 stuff.
- -The library clean up code did not fill in the translation control
- register correctly for the 68040 and 68060.
- -The library did not accept "exotic" transparent translation
- settings. Unfortunately, these are not as uncommon as I believed.
- Some boards seem to translate a part of the memory transparently
- for read access only. I've no idea what this might be good for.
- But anyways, the memory regions transparently translated are now
- "mapped out" by the mmu.library and marked as unusable for
- further manipulation. This means specifically that a huge part of
- the available address space may be unavailable for virtual addresses.
- A future version of the libray may re-introduce the integration of
- the TTx registers into the mmu table, but up to then I don't like
- to risk anything.
- What is this:
- -------------
- The mmu.library provides functions for MMU related operations
- as write- or read-protecting certain areas of memory for a
- given set of tasks, or marking memory regions as "swapped"
- virtual memory support. It offers an abstraction level on top
- of the actual MMU and a unified interface for MMU purposes.
- The MMU lib does NOT implement virtual memory, that's the purpose
- of another library - the memory.library. There's no much reason why
- any application except the memory.library and probably some debugging
- tools should call this library directly. The memory.library functions
- on top of this library should suffer for "all day purposes".
- The goal of the mmu.library is to provide an "abstraction layer" on
- top of the hardware, to allow programs to make use of the memory
- management hardware of the more advanced members of the MC68K
- processor family. Programs using the functions of the mmu.library
- do not need to modify the MMU tables directly and hence will not
- conflict with each other. The mmu.library interface provides all
- necessary functions to do that. This will allow programs like
- Enforcer and VMM to cooperate nicely with each other, provided both
- use this library.
- Since writing the mmu.library is a tough job, I need your help! I've only
- a single oldish MC68030 40Mhz system at home, but the mmu.library is
- supposed to support all members of the MC68K family (the 68851, 68040 and
- 68060 MMUs). Since I don't have a testing system available, I need your
- help - writing system software without being able to debug is "a bit"
- tricky.
- What can I do as a non-developer:
- ---------------------------------
- Simple. Stop all disk access, upack the archive to the RAM disk, then open a
- shell and enter
- assign LIBS: ram: add
- then run the "MMUScan" program. Watch what happens: The program should output
- a list like the following:
- MMUScan 0.05 (04.10.98) © THOR.
- Internal use only, no commercial use.
- 68030 MMU detected.
- MMU page size is 0x400 bytes.
- User root pointer: 0x800000020023f870
- Supervisor root pointer: 0x0000000000000000
- Translation Control : 0x80a08680
- Data Transparent translation 0: 0xffff0777
- Data Transparent translation 1: 0xffff0777
- Inst Transparent translation 0: 0x00000000
- Inst Transparent translation 1: 0x00000000
- Memory region: 00000000 to 000003ff invalid, ID 00000000 global
- Memory region: 00000400 to 001fffff cache inhibited global
- Memory region: 00200000 to 009fffff copyback cache mode global
- Memory region: 00a00000 to 00bbffff invalid, ID 00000000 global
- Memory region: 00bc0000 to 00bfffff cache inhibited global
- Memory region: 00c00000 to 00d7ffff invalid, ID 00000000 global
- Memory region: 00d80000 to 00dfffff cache inhibited global
- Memory region: 00e00000 to 00e7ffff invalid, ID 00000000 global
- Memory region: 00e80000 to 00ebffff cache inhibited global
- Memory region: 00ec0000 to 00efffff invalid, ID 00000000 global
- Memory region: 00f00000 to 00ffffff write protected copyback cache mode global
- Memory region: 01000000 to ffffffff invalid, ID 00000000 global
- This is the definition of your MMU profile, giving the properties of each
- page in memory.
- Watch out for possible crashes or other problems. If anything goes wrong,
- please write down the guru number and contact me. The email is above.
- If you see a guru - shouldn't happen any more - then please run the
- PrintTTX program in this directory instead and send me the output.
- What can I do as developer:
- ---------------------------
- What about joining the mmu.library development group? This is just a couple
- of people contributing to this library by writing code and exchanging their
- wisdom by EMail. It's a non-profit organization that works on the development
- of this library. If, whenever, this library becomes a commercial product,
- you'll get paid, of course. However, the current library, as it is, is planned
- to be freeware, so don't expect money. It doesn't look like there's currently
- a market for this library project, unfortunately.
- Contact me at thor@math.tu-berlin.de if you want to join this group.
- What can be done just now is to run this library on your machine and find
- and correct bugs. As I said, I haven't tested the 68851, the 68040 and 68060
- parts at all. The source of the library is included to help you debugging it,
- but please don't make modifications without contacting me.
- What is required to build the library:
- --------------------------------------
- The library is build by two assemblers, the DevPac and the Freeware assembler
- PhxAss which can be found on the AmiNet. I still prefer the DevPac because
- it's Macro capabilities, even though it doesn't support all the 68060
- functions I need to get hands on. Hence, the general-purpose functions of
- the library are assembled with DevPac - the .asm files - , the processor
- specific routines - in the .a files - use the PhxAss, however.
- A make utitilty would do good, the makefile is included.
- "Make debug" will build the binary. Two assigns need to be setup, MMU: and
- TMP:.
- The sources should be copied to TMP: on installation, the makefile will
- make backups to MMU: automatically.
- A linker is required to link the object codes toghether. The makefile uses
- the "SLink" linker of the SAS C package, but the "BLink" PD linker of the
- "Software Destillery" should work fine, too. It is available from the
- Aminet, for example. Just edit the makefile and replace "SLink" with "BLink".
- A C compiler is needed to compile the example program "MMUScan". Every C
- compiler should do fine provided the contents of "Include" is copied to the
- include directory of your compiler installation, or this directory is added
- to the include search path.
- What is in this distribution:
- -----------------------------
- Autodocs:
- The preliminary version of the autodocs of the mmu.library and
- the memory library, as well as a file describing some planned
- implementation details.
- Include:
- The includes for a C compiler as well as the ".fd" file for the
- library functions written so far. In detail:
- mmu/mmubase.h The library base as well as the defines describing
- the MMU types found.
- mmu/context.h Describing the main structure of the mmu.library,
- the context. This defines, too, the memory
- properties that can be set by the MMU, as
- non-cacheable or write protected.
- mmu/config.h Describes an internal-use-only MMU configuration
- structure. A final edition of this library won't
- include this file.
- mmu/alerts.h Defines the guru-mediations that can be thrown by
- the library.
- mmu_lib.fd The function descriptor file written so far.
- clib Prototypes for the library functions.
- pragmas Pragmas for the library functions. Created with
- FDToPragma. Should work with every compiler.
- proto Prototypes for the library, includes the clib and
- the pragma file.
- C_Sources:
- C sources of sample programs. That's currently only the MMUScan
- program that prints the MMU configuration, the page size, the
- type of the MMU found and its hardware configuration.
- MMUScan:
- The ready-for-use MMUScan program. Quite long because I compiled
- this with the standard link-library I/O functions. Could be done
- much better, but this is only a test program anyways.
- TestMMU:
- This program is purely for debugging purposes. If you run it,
- you won't see any specific action. It simply opens the library
- manually and executes the library init function in the task
- context of the calling program. Hence, this program can be used
- to step thru the lib-init function with a standard debugger
- without the need to catch "ramlib".
- The "NUTS" table scanner is part of the library init function
- and the most critical part.
- If you still discover bugs and want to try, then load this
- program into a debugger of your choice, and step thru it.
- Lib_Sources:
- The library sources. This is more or less a direct copy from my
- harddisk. Includes the assembly sources, the assembly headers
- used to assemble this, the Makefile and the object files if you
- don't want to re-assemble everything. Contains, too, some startup-
- files used for my assembler setup. Not necessarely required.
- Needless to say that everything in here is "private" in the sense
- that no program using the mmu.library should depend on the
- implenentation details defined by these files.
- The ".a" files are assembled by PhxAss, ".asm" is done by "DevPac"
- and ".i" are the includes.
- In detail:
- Project-Startup: Makes necessary assignments and copies
- the sources into a temporary directory.
- Run at my system as soon as I launch the
- assembler.
- Shell-Startup2: A shell script run by the "Project-Startup"
- that makes a few additional setups.
- Makefile: The makefile used to assemble and link this
- program.
- mu_version.i: Defines the version of this library.
- mu_lib.i: The detailed library header structure.
- mu_lib.asm: The library initialization and shutdown
- code, the resident structure of the library
- and some few stub funtions.
- mu_alerts.i: Defines the gurus thrown by the library.
- mu_detect.a: The MMU auto detection logic. Should work
- fine (better than the enforcer code which
- crashes on a plain MC68020 without MMU...)
- mu_service.asm: Service routines. Currently, a routine to
- allocate library aligned to page boundaries.
- Not yet used, but still there.
- mu_pool.asm: Memory pool functions. Since the exec
- functions are bugged unless SetPatch is
- installed, I prefer using my own.
- mu_context.i: Describes the MMU library main structure, the
- (MMU)-Context, as well as the MMU memory
- property flags and the map node structure used
- for the abstraction level of the MMU tables.
- mu_context.asm: Context management and manipulation functions,
- including a function that builds the default
- MMU mapping if no MMU table was found.
- mu_loadlib.asm: This is not linked to the library. It's a
- tiny assembly source that loads the library
- to allow a standard debugger to step thru.
- mu_tableparse.asm: The "NUTS" table scanning algorithm, used to
- build the MMU table abstraction from the
- hardware MMU table. Is even able to scan
- "long" descriptors with limits of a '030
- system (that, at least, I tested). Should
- also handle the '040 and '060 MMU tables.
- If "MMUScan" still hangs, HERE's the bug.
- mu_descriptor.i: Another abstraction layer used by "NUTS"
- to describe a hardware table descriptor.
- mu_851.a: 68851 specific routines, load and save the
- MMU configuration, interprets hardware MMU
- table descriptors and converts them into
- a hardware-independent format for "NUTS".
- mu_030.a: 68030 specific routines.
- mu_040.a: 68040 specific routines.
- mu_060.a: 68060 specific routines.
- Asm_Includes:
- I'm usually too lazy to include the system header files when writing
- in assembly. It usually takes ages to include them... These includes
- just define the library offsets of some standard libraries without
- the anoying "_LVO" I can't stand (what is this supposed to do
- anways?).
- It also defines a set of sophisticated macros for the DevPac assembler
- (Macros.asm). An older version of these can be found on my web page.
- Unfortunately, the PhxAss Assembler isn't powerful enough to assemble
- these. (Sigh.)
- Known bugs and problems of this implementation:
- -----------------------------------------------
- Things that require testing:
- - 68851, 68040 and 68060 code completely untested. I NEED YOUR HELP!
- However, looks like this works, after checking your outputs.
- - Parsing of the transparent translation registers untested.
- Seems to be working, at least for the 68030 TTR registers.
- - Parsing of setups which make use of a distinct user/supervisor
- MMU table.
- Things not yet implemented:
- - Building and modification of MMU tables.
- - The exception handler (tricky!)
- - The context switch routines.
- - An interface to the 68060 library required to adapt changes of
- this library into the mmu.library page tables.
- Things the current design does not allow:
- - MMU tables using the function codes. The amiga design shouldn't
- allow this anyways, but I don't know whether there's a board
- that makes use of them. (Does'nt look like, though).
- - Boards with two different MMU's on board. I've heard some
- rumours that there are actually 68040 boards with an additional
- 68851. The current library assumes a 68040 MMU.
- - The current implementation does not yet check completely whether
- an "EC" type processor (without an MMU) is on-board. This check
- should work for the 68060 since there's a hardware register for
- it, and there's now even a test for a EC040 which hopefully
- works, but there's NO test for the EC030 because I wasn't able
- to find a simple one. More might follow as soon as the table
- scanner and the table builder is up.
- I would really enjoy if someone (Ralph Schmidt?) could give me some internal
- information about the P5 boards and their MMU usage. Especially, the function
- calls and the design of the 68040 and 68060 library would be of great help,
- as well as some specifics of the DMA problems of the Enforcer and the
- various versions of the 68060 library (Michael Sinsz should know this?).
- Any kind of information will be appreciated!
- Debugging:
- ----------
- Yes, that's a problem of its own. Obviously, the MMU library uses some
- "heavy magic" supervisor code which is not available for a standard monitor.
- Even though the DevPac "MonAm" is a nice and powerful debugger, it's not
- powerful enough for these tricks. There's currently - up to my knowledge -
- only one debugger that can do this for you, and that's my own... (-;
- Check the Aminet and my web-page for COP, then read the documentation. If,
- after reading, you STILL want to use it, you're the right guy for this
- job... (-;
- COP might be setup to load the symbols of the library, to help you a bit.
- A printout of the critical part - NUTS to be specific - might be helpful,
- too.
- Recommended reading:
- --------------------
- The following books are recommended reading:
- Motorola 68030 Enhanced 32-bit Microprocessor User's Manual
- MC68030UM/AD Rev.3
- Motorola 68040 User's Manual
- M68040UM/AD Rev.1
- Motorola 68060 User's Manual
- M68060UM/AD Rev.1
- Motorola M68000 Family Programmer's Reference Manual
- M68000PM/AD Rev.1
- Amiga Hardware Reference Manual, 3rd ed.
- Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
- ISBN 0-201-56776-8
- Amiga ROM Kernal Reference Manual, 3rd ed., Volume "Libraries"
- Addison-Wesley Publising Company, Inc.
- ISBN 0-201-56774-1
- The Amiga Guru Book, 2nd Ed.
- Ralph Babel, Taunusstein 1989,1993
- Additional sources:
- The Amiga Developer CD V1.1
- (newer versions are already available, but 1.1 is good enough).
- Final words:
- ------------
- The mmu.library and the memory library will be my last project for the Amiga.
- It depends a bit on what happens with the Amiga in the next two years whether
- a PPC version of this library is required or not; hence, after all, this
- can't be much more than a toy project that came several years too late.
- However, as it looks now, Amiga goes PC. I'm currently not willing to
- support this step and the Intel/Microsoft illnesses.
- \begin{sarcastic}
- While Commodore just dug the grave for the Amiga, Gateway is turning it into
- a zombie.
- \end{sarcastic}
- So long,
- Thomas